Dear Residential Customers,
We’re excited to share that yard waste pickup will resume the week of March 10th and continue through December 24th.
Yard Waste Guidelines
Yard waste includes:
– Grass clippings
– Leaves
– Bush/hedge trimmings
Please place your yard waste:
– In brown paper yard waste bags or
-In a personal container clearly marked ‘Yard Waste’ on both sides
Tree Trimmings & Brush Collection
Patriot Disposal will also collect tree trimmings as long as they are:
-Cut into four-foot lengths
– Each limb/brush piece is no larger than four inches in diameter
– Tied into small bundles (max. two feet in diameter) with rope or twine
For Loudoun County Residents, the number of bags that will be picked up per home has been increased from 3 to 5.
For more details on yard waste disposal, visit:
Patriot Disposal Yard Waste Services If you have any questions or need to schedule a special pickup, Patriot Disposal can be reached at (703) 257-7100